Friday, February 22, 2013

Personal Learning Network Assignment

Personal Learning Networks (PLN) are systems that are created by individuals to accelerate their learning about a specific or broad area of interest.  PLNs allow learners to establish a network of experts anywhere in the world with whom they can communicate to advance their learning.  PLNs allow learners to take control of their learning experience by developing a network precisely for their needs using Web 2.0 tools.  In my case, I have a strong interest in social media marketing for business applications and currently use Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. I would like to expand my understanding of these social media platforms and develop a higher level of proficiency through a Personal Learning Network.  I was excited to learn while reading the articles included in the course content that there is a vast network of tools available for this learning process.   Many of these tools will be new to me but I'm very interested in learning and understanding them.  

There are five stages of PLN adoption.   They are:  immersion, evaluation, know it all, perspective, and balance as highlighted in the chart below: 

I have established an iGoogle account so that I can subscribe to several blogs of interest to me in Google Reader.   The blogs I've selected are:  Social Mouths, ViralBlog, Hubze, Heidi Cohen, and Likeable Media.   These blogs focus exclusively on social media marketing.    Most focus on tactics and strategies and one is rich in data.  

My plan for establishing my PLN is to expand the reach of my Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter activity to include people who share my interest in social media marketing for business.  Today, as suggested by Professor Ferree, I began to follow on Twitter Will Richardson, Vicki Davis, Steve Hargadon, Andy Carvin, and Penelope Trunk.    I plan to find and participate in webinars and video conferences with experts in my field of interest.  I am going to take some time to learn more about Secondlife, Skype, YouTube, Slideshare,, and diigo.  I need to examine the full array of Web 2.0 tools and develop a comprehensive PLN using more than the tools I am presently comfortable with.     I am also going to write a blog as I become more knowledgeable about social media marketing for business.  

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